both of whom (along with their 2 month old, Immanuel) have been an ENORMOUS blessing and gift this summer. :) Rachel and I met in SLA lab - learning Paraguayan Sign Language. Through this summer, the Lord has used them as a huge pillar of support in the midst of life's ups and downs, and I'm deeply thankful for them!! And... they're changing their trajectory to head towards sign language work as well (God's been directing their steps this direction over the summer... so cool to watch)!
Also... Roman & (the other) Bethany and their girls...
have been another integral part of my "SIL family." I'm head-over-heels for these girls (as previous pics may reveal). :) They live and work in Argentina with the Deaf, planning to use 3-D animation to do Bible Translation in Argentine Sign Language.
Here are Abi and I at her 4-year-old bday party last weekend.
Lesson #137 of this summer - God puts His children in spiritual families, no matter where they are.