Happy Wednesday!
Exhibit A: The new haircut. Oh yes... fun. AND the shortest I've ever had it since my horrifying bowl cut at age seven. Yikes.
Please be praying this Saturday. Last month, I was asked to share at a Eugene Dessert Night this weekend, to a bunch of young adults/college students. Please be in prayer for those who are coming and that the Lord would share
His heart through me. I'll be riding up with my recruiters and very much look forward to seeing them, as well as meeting some more kingdom-minded young people!
Success! My sister, Abby, and I have been unofficial exercise buddies since I got home. She'll bike with me while I run, or I'll bike with her while she rides her horse, or we'll both walk. Just the accountability I need! On Monday, she biked and I ran ALL THE WAY around Lake Selmac. The redneck version of a 5K. :) It was a blast! We kinda sorta did the same thing today (only I didn't run the whole way... I walked part of it. :-p).
An exciting update on the Southern Oregon Deaf Church--which I'm now regularly attending and
loving it--is that we may be expecting an assistant pastor soon. Pastor Ken has been praying for the Lord's wisdom and we have a Deaf couple coming next weekend to check out the area, meet the congregation, etc. Please pray for God's peace and confirmation in their decision.

Finally, to the point of this entry. Yes, that's right... the results are in. I have been
officially accepted as an approved candidate. :) Just another step in the journey, but it's an exciting checkpoint! Hooray! All praise to the One who knows our every step and
faithfully guides the way.