February is more than half over and time continues to fly by! Just yesterday, I arrived home from a long weekend in Southern California with my deaf “sister” Emily. We had a wonderful time together spending a day at Disneyland, cooking and eating international food (Indian, Middle Eastern, and Ethiopian – so good!), dinner with the Ludy family who just happened to be in SoCal as well, and talking for countless hours over endless mugs of tea. It was definitely a God-orchestrated trip and covered with His blessings.
The LORD continues to piece things together. I’ve completed and been accepted through all (three) stages of the Summer Institute of Linguistics application process. All that remains is working out which classes I need and registering for those. I begin June 8th!
I’m still leading a young women’s Bible Study group on Monday nights. It’s been such a delight to watch them not only “grow up” (as they get their driver’s licenses or graduate high school) but also grow deeper in their love for the Lord!! We’re wrapping up our final season together (for now), and are digging into an inductive Bible study on 1 John together. It’s been wonderful! As I’ve been praying about our final season together, God’s been laying it on my heart to see them equipped to go out and lead studies of their own and disciple the younger gals in their own lives. The past two years with this group of gals has been such a work of the Lord, I’m still completely in awe when I stop and take it all in. I’m so thankful for the precious fellowship and time spent in worship, the Word, and prayer with these beautiful, set-apart sisters-in-Christ!
Just one example of how these girls have so blessed and encouraged me is in their response to the needs the Lord brings across their paths. A couple months ago, the Lord brought to our attention a major need for Bibles in South Asia among believers who don’t have access to Bibles and/or cannot afford them. In just over a month, after hearing the need and praying for the Lord’s guidance and provision, we were able to send enough funds to provide 88 brothers and sisters with God’s Word! It brought tears to my eyes watching them sitting on the floor counting change and calculating the amount of Bibles it would purchase for those who had none. They are such a precious group of young women He will use mightily to advance His kingdom!
As I wrap this up, I wish I could express my gratitude and how blessed I’ve been by all of you who have been so quick to jump in and cover me with support, prayers, and encouragement! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Knowing I have all of you behind me makes each step a bit easier as I set out down this path.
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