My lack of a post speaks loudly of my class load! And more homework sits on my desk staring me down as I'm running off to breakfast.
I've received my work assignment! A new friend, Jessica, and I are the "SIL-UND 2009 T-shirt Committee." Our 5-7 hours a week of volunteer time will go towards researching, designing, ordering, coordinating, promoting, and selling this year's T-shirts! We're excited for the challenge (having heard in years past, this is a hot button issue among everyone in coming to an agreement). We hope to make this year one that's talked about in future years....
I am falling in love with the community here! The teachers, staff, and students all share the same space - as we're housed in one large dorm building this summer. It's the sharing across all age groups that I love most, like one large extended family. We have older couples, younger couples, older families, younger families, children, teens, singles, marrieds, fiances... all sharing, learning, and interacting together as one larger community. L-o-v-e it. I'm realizing this is very much like what a the field will be like.
Here's a picture from the other day. From my dorm room window, I look out over a knoll that leads to an "English Coulee," (ie: slow-moving stream) and beyond: the Chester Fritz Auditorium. You can see the coulee behind me.
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