Rachel, Teri, and I turned on our Grad Research Paper for Sociolinguistics on Monday night. After two full days of typing, synthesizing, editing, re-writing, re-editing, reading through aloud, and more editing... I did the final read through/edit and took it to Kinko's. I'm amazed at the quality we were able to produce in such a short period of time. Praise God! We received it back with a solid 'A' yesterday!! Hooray!
Later this afternoon, three of my four classes will be completed. Tomorrow, We'll wrap up Sociolinguistics by presenting on our Grad Research to the undergrads, and then taking our last Final Exam.
The end is in sight. :) I've had moments where I just sit in amazement at all we've learned and accomplished this summer. Whoa.
Our 2nd Language Acquisition lab group. :)
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