Fear not, says the Savior to His penitent, heartbroken disciple. Fear not, trembling, desponding soul. My glory, My perfections need not alarm thee, for they are all engaged on thy side, all pledged to secure thy salvation. Tell Me not of thy sins. I will take them away. Tell Me not of thy weakness, thy folly and ignorance. I have treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and strength for thee. Tell Me not of the weakness of thy graces. My grace is sufficient for thee, for its riches are unsearchable. Tell Me not of the difficulties which oppose thy salvation. Is any thing too hard for Me? Tell Me not that the favors thou art receiving are too great for thee. I know they are too great for thee to merit, but they are not too great for Me to give. Nay, more, I will give thee greater things than these. I will not only continue to pardon thy sins, bear with thine infirmities, and heal thy backslidings; but give thee larger and larger measures of My grace, make thee more and more useful in the world, render thee more than a conqueror over all thine enemies, and at death wipe away forever all thy tears; receive thee to the mansions which My Father has prepared for thee in heaven, and cause thee to sit down with Me on My throne forever and ever.
Thus does Christ comfort those that mourn; thus He encourages the desponding, thus exalts those that humble themselves at His feet; and constrains them to cry, in admiring transports of gratitude and love, “Who, O who is a God like unto Thee, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin?”
-From Legacy of a Legend: Spiritual Treasure
from the Heart of Edward Payson
(The father of Elizabeth Prentiss)
from the Heart of Edward Payson
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