24 September 2012

He delights in this...

Excerpts from a sermon by David Platt of the Church at Brookhills. I'm sorry, I do not recall which one... just found this quote I'd transcribed when I listened to the message...  AMAZING, this God who delights to be so frequently 'bothered' by little me!!!

God delights in revealing himself to those who are bold enough to bother Him.

Imagine there's a time in my life where I'm really, really busy, and traveling, and the weight of things at church are really heavy - so I'm feeling crowded in all around and my wife comes to me and says, "David, I know you're really busy and have a lot of your plate, but I've got some things going on in my life that I'm struggling with and I don't want to bother you with them but I do want to share them with you."

She's hesitant to do that cause she doesn't want to bother me. When that happens, what am I going to say to my wife? "Yeah there is a lot going on, but I want you to bother me with the burdens and hurts in your life. In fact, I delight in the fact that I'm the one you come to to bother with those things and the only thing that would really bother me is if you went to someone else instead of coming to me with those things. That's why I'm here. I want to be bothered by the things in your life."

Now get the picture! Yes, God is sovereign. Yes, He is in control of the whole universe. And He is carrying out His purposes and His plans. Here's the beauty... He delights... He absolutely delights in being the One you come to with your hurts and your cares and your struggles! Please let this soak in!

God delights in revealing himself to you when you're bold enough to bother him. In fact, I think He would say the only thing that bothers him is when you don't come to him with those things and you go to someone or something else with them.

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