10 December 2013

along the journey to becoming a good Ethiopian

Things I am learning about how to become a good Ethiopian and do things the Ethiopian way... as per my Ethiopian brothers. :-)

1) Do not store up food in your cupboards. Use it up, then buy more. Buy your bread, vegetables, injera, milk, etc. on the day you plan to use it... not several days in advance.

2) Turn your water heater, stove propane, power strips, internet OFF when you are not using it or planning on using it shortly.

3) Do not walk away from milk you are heating on the stove. It WILL boil over.

4) Tea & Coffee are served after the meal. Not before. Not with.

5) When leaving the house, lock everything -- close all window shutters & lock drawers, closets, bedroom doors, house doors, out buildings, and finally... the gate.

6) Put onions, tomatoes, and berebere powder in almost everything you cook. ;-)

7) There are 12 parts/cuts to a chicken.

8) Liquid soap (dish detergent) is ferengi soap. The crumbly blue bar soap at all the little shops is Ethiopian soap. (I'm still trying to learn how to wash out water bottles with bar soap... will let you know when I figure it out... hee hee).

9) Salt. Ethiopian salt is like miniature rock salt... too small for an ice cream maker, but too large to just put directly in food or to fit through a salt shaker. It must be ground with a rolling pin before use. :-) And speaking of salt-shakers... you do not put salt on your food after it's cooked. The flavor doesn't blend well... you should put the right amount of salt in while cooking. :-)

10) It is 10 December. I went looking for Christmas decorations. Was told by shopkeepers that I am too early... come back in 10 days. ;-) Last-minute-Christmas-shoppers... come. This is your haven. (Ethiopian Christmas, or "Genna," is on 7 January).

Learning, learning, learning, learning... and that what life is about. :-) *happy sigh*

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