30 April 2012

sums it up

Basically, this explains my life... :-)

25 April 2012

Making decisions in a second language

A friend recommended this article (posted in Wired Science) yesterday. Very interesting. 

For those of you who have a second and/or third language, I'm curious what your experience has been. In a way, I feel validated and reassured that I'm not crazy when I have to sort out my thoughts in SL before speaking/writing them in English. Though, I don't know that I ever could have articulated WHY I do so.

15 April 2012

a welcome sight

... to start the day. :)

Today's reminder: being thankful for the little things.

07 April 2012

only in sign language

... does a translation comprehension check of Genesis 4 reveal a misunderstanding that Abel's blood soaked into the ground down to the layer of water underneath the earth's crust, causing an explosive reaction and creating a geyser shooting up out of the earth which was so loud that God heard it. And then later, in the same passage, get off on a tangent of how to properly sign how a Japanese ninja kills someone. ;-) Go ahead, just try to tell me my job isn't completely fascinating.