31 January 2011

fleeting moments, eternal weight

I love living in community with so many Deaf brothers and sisters from Africa & Asia. This morning, I looked out my kitchen window to see our Deaf guard standing in the patch of sunlight peeking over the office building. He was looking down in contemplation and was stepping back and forth with a slow rhythym. I couldn't help but smile as his solo, quiet dance to an internal music only he could hear. But then, he looked up, lifted his hands, and started signing in spontaneous worship, his feet keeping time! My heart burst with praise. How beautiful and inspiring it is to see my Deaf family members pouring out their hearts to our King. This is the whole reason we are here... that more and more of these precious ones might know, love, and worship HIM!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's actually SHERYL: I was just writing you a note and saying that although I miss you, that I don't miss you, and I was trying to explain how I could "not miss you". Then I opened this page, and you have just explained it...how can I miss you being here, when God is being so good to you and others there! Love, MOM