10 March 2011


The DOOR staff meets before work on Wednesday mornings for worship together. This Wednesday, as I sat there, surrounded by these people I've come to know and grown to love, I realized that I've already been here for 5 months! My internship is more than halfway over! I suddenly realized that there IS a day coming in another 4 months where I will have to say goodbye. My heart aches at the thought. How can I do it? You cannot come, grow to love, invest, share laughter & tears, and then not feel like you're tearing off a limb when you leave. And yet, at the same time, I miss home... long to hug my family... feel the pull of my heart towards still another place, another people. This life is such a beautiful, tangled, intricate web of the people, places, and experiences that make up our lives -- and HE is the common thread. HE is the familiar face, the familiar voice, and familiar weight on my heart. HE is the One who makes it all worthwhile -- no matter the ache, no matter the cost, no matter the distance. Because His LOVE transcends it all. Always.

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