15 April 2011

Hope... what a beautiful feeling

So... been kinda (really) stressed lately. And have been praying through how to change that, as well as talking with supervisors about boundaries ... both inside and outside of the office. Plus kinda having God drill into my cranium my responsibility before Him to rest. Not easy lessons, but He is intervening... and providing people to stand in the gap in little ways here and there. And... today... like a ray of sunlight in the midst of the fog: hope. Things can change. Praising Him for the little moments of victory. He is in the midst of each breath, each moment... but are my eyes open to see Him at work or blinded by the temporary, fleeting, albeit urgent needs always around me. I want to see Him. Not people. Not provision. Not progress. Jesus.

The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm. (Exodus 14:14, NLT)

1 comment:

monica rempel said...

I love you! You are ever an encouragment to me, dearest Beth! Your words on this blog always ring so true to me (and often to where my hopes are too). Miss you and praying for you!
Thank you much for this post~