28 August 2009


It's good to be home, and just doing the home-y things like laundry, cooking, and cleaning. :) There's something about the daily life stuff that is so comforting and relaxing. I've finished my first week of an online Interpreting Ethics course, which is keeping me in academic mode (though I've already lost a lot of my edge with two weeks off). I've been very much enjoying the down time I have till work starts up in September. I've had time to be in the kitchen (made Indian for lunch today... Garlic Naan and lentils, or "dahl" as they call it), play the piano, write some overdue letters, and read for pleasure. *happy sigh* I just started a documentary-style book called Talking Hands by Margalit Fox, about a Bedouin village in the Middle East, with generational deafness, where everyone signs. It's good thus far. I'm really excited to go to Deaf Church tomorrow night and meet our new Deaf pastor. :)


Emily Jane said...

Oh yes, being home is such a blessing... and to take the time to rest and enjoy being simply home with your family.
Just had Indian food today and thought of you! :-) We'll have to make it ourselves the next time we see each other- it should be quite a adventure!
The book you mentioned sounds really interesting, I will check it out!
Did you meet the deaf pastor yet?

Beth said...

Yes, I did! He's great!! I'm excited and anticipating with prayer all God has in store for this little Deaf community... His purposes are just BEGINNING to unfold. :)

You... me... Indian food. It's a date! :)