20 June 2010

oh, the drama...

We've had some excitement the last week, I'd say.

First, I've almost completely finished the lecture for one of my classes... THAT, my friends, is what we call "front-loading" a course. The first two weeks of a nine week summer intensive... lecture = finished. Now all that awaits are my labs, due July 2nd, and one credit will be behind me. =)

Wednesday, I celebrated a quarter of a century of life. Thank you to those of you who sent cards, called, texted, or emailed. =)

Thursday, during my very last class of the day: Ethnographic Methods, the tornado sirens went off and we all stepped outside our "basement level" classroom and congregated in the hallway where we finished up the lecture. An hour and a half later, we were given the all-clear and walked to supper under a beautiful, clear blue, cloudless sky. North Dakota weather = odd & spastic.

Friday evening we put on the returning students' "Skit Night" which was themed after High School Musical and re-written with ridiculously nerdy linguistic-y words. If I hadn't been in the final scene, I'd have video-ed it for ya'll to enjoy... alas. But fun.

Thank you all for your prayers, little notes here and there, and encouragement! The stress level is surprisingly low despite a busy schedule. I'm thankful.

Enjoying Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost for His Highest" devotional lately... longing for a steadfast heart and a calm, confident spirit. Feeling His arms around, even in my weakness and insufficiencies. His constant love is a beautiful thing.

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