17 April 2013

something's missing

I love the passages of Scripture where Jesus welcomes the children. But, hanging out with children a lot myself... there's something that's so blatantly missing from every picture I've ever seen out there of Jesus with the little children. DIRT. I don't know about all of you, but I know when I hang out with kiddos -- I never come away as clean as the Jesus in these pictures. Ever notice that? That Jesus is always in white. And even with children clambering all over him... he's still perfectly clean and white? It never quite fits with my mental image of human Jesus -- fully God, fully man... with dirty handprints on his clothes and muddy footprints on his hem. :-) If you can find a picture like that -- send it to me. Because that's my Jesus... the one who welcomes me even when I'm dirty and might get stains on his clothes... He doesn't care, because He knows... it's all washable. His blood covered it all. So, uncaring, He picks me up and wraps me in His arms. That's my Jesus.

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