08 July 2011

arriving back on US soil

Shock #1 -- U.S. Customer Service. My friends, you have NOTHING to complain about. It's stellar!

Shock #2 -- Standing one of many security lines coming back through immigrations, customs, etc. in Dallas, TX and being surrounded by hispanics speaking spanish. In the last 9 months, I've seen 1 hispanic who spoke spanish. What!?!?

Shock #3 -- hearing American idioms and phrases in passing conversations. I feel a little out-of-the-loop!

[Edit: Shock #4 -- the music plays for me on my blog again!!! Music doesn't stream on playlist in Africa!!!!]

Praise #1 -- a VERY nice, friendly, welcoming immigrations officer coming back into the US. I've heard horror stories... so I was relieved and grateful. =)

Praise #2 -- His grace is sufficient. For peace and His very near presence holding my heart together in all the goodbyes and missing precious faces.

[Edit: Praise #3 -- Thank you, Seattle-Tacoma airport for your generosity in the form of free wireless access!!! London & Dallas... you've some catching up to do.]

Another 10 hours and 2 flights, and I'll greet my family in Oregon. =)

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