02 July 2011

Things I never did before coming to Kenya...

Preach. Not what I'd consider preaching in an "American Christianity" I'm-a-trained-pastor context... but my Deaf colleagues call it preaching. And, they tell me it's legit. I'm baffled.

Super-infuse my cooking with spice. Example: using close to 3 dozen hot green chiles in one dish, or using a whole garlic cluster in a dish for two people. Um... Either I always buy "duds" or I'm becoming desensitized. Hey, at least the garlic is a natural mosquito repellant, eh? ;)

Wash all my fruits and vegetables with soap before eating them.

Pay $1.66 (grand total) for transport on an all-day outing. This included a motorbike taxi, two city buses, and two mini 14-passenger van "taxis'. Oh, and another $1.09 for a camel ride. ;)

Play darts. And Wii.

Watch movies and television on mute.

Shake hands like it's going out of style. Quite frankly, this is something I'm going to really miss.

Battle with such maladies as mumps, acid-burning flies, bed bugs, amoeba, and intestinal worms. I know that's probably TMI... but it's 100% real life here.

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